Community Impact

Together we make a difference

The committee works with the MURSD to prioritize projects, fundraise, and connect vendors to approved projects. In collaboration with the administration at MURSD, the following phased projects have been outlined for consideration:

Phase 1 Miscoe:

  • Spray paint fence around track black

  • Laying asphalt on track

  • Plantings around Miscoe track

Phase 1 Nipmuc:

  • Cleaning up brush to create walking path

  • Plan for 1 mile loop stone dust community walking path

Progress to date:

  • Wetland study completed and marked with flags at Nipmuc

  • 1 mile loop walking path creation started with brush removal and cleanup

  • Softball and baseball fields at Miscoe and Nipmuc graded, edged, and new dirt spread


  • Everyone in the community! MUCP strives to collaborate with the MURSD administration to plan improvements to the current district facilities that create accessibility, safety, and enjoyment to all who would like to utilize them

  • The MUCP will work with the MURSD administration to help support projects within the school budget, and when projects fall outside of that budget, MUCP will engage in fundraising activities to help support their success. Fundraising may be in the form of community activities, corporate sponsorships, and individual giving.

  • The MUCP board is made up of parents, community members, and teachers, meeting monthly to discuss opportunities for improvements at the MURSD facilities. The board collaborates with MURSD administration and school committee members to prioritize projects based on need, feasibility, budget, and opportunity to make an impact. Based on discussions and planning, MUCP creates phases of projects, to ensure success, building positive impact and community engagement with each project.